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Is it really all about the Benjamins?
Chapter 6 of my book challenge '7' by Jen Hatmaker {read about it from the beginning here} With clothes, food, media, waste, and possessions out of the way, it was time our spending habits to be scrutinized. This was another chapter in my '7' challenge where I would need my husband on board. If I was going to limit my spending and he could spend money anywhere... well, that wasn't really going to affect me much. We needed to be all in and in this together! Spending Target Kroger Medical Bill Paying Gas {one local station} Travel Expenses {budgeted and...
I did it!...the media fast

It's been almost a week since I completed the media fast chapter of The '7' challenge. (see my previous post on The '7' challenge. “7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess” - 7 is the true story of how Jen took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence.” — First of all, I'm so glad that I did it. Within just a few days I realized how much of a habit it was to look at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on my...
The '7' challenge!

Last September I was with my daughter-in-law Katie at a Women's Weekend at beautiful Windy Gap, a Young Life camp in the mountains of North Carolina. Our lovely weekend ended with the announcement that the speaker for the September 2014 weekend will be Jen Hatmaker. Then everyone was handed a gift, Jen's book 7 an experimental mutiny against excess Seven months • Seven topics clothes • spending • waste • food • possessions • media • stress There is a lot more to it than reading a book. It's a journey. In January I began my journey. I picked...
Reverse Stenciling

Last fall I joined a weekly Bible Study/craft group. We shared our worries and our joys and discussed our Daily Devotion and how it applied to our lives. THEN... we made a craft. Yes, I know! THAT is a great combination! I'm going to share the awesome book I worked on from week to week in another post. But, out of all the techniques we were taught from our inspirational leader Diana, this reverse stenciling thing was so easy and packed a punch. I knew right away I could use it in more wedding crafty goodness. Daniel and Katie's wedding...
how to sew beads onto a wedding veil OR handmade wedding part four!
When my sisters and I got married (a long time ago!) our talented mother made our wedding veils. Well actually, she made all the bridesmaids dresses for two of the weddings and even one of the wedding gowns... that's how talented she is! So when my daughter-in-law was trying on dresses (yes, I was blessed to be invited to tag along with Katie and her mom), I volunteered to make the veil. Katie wanted a long veil, Cathedral length, but simple in design. First I purchased a VERY inexpensive veil from a bridal website. It was sort of a 'Craigslist...