ok, where were we?
Good thing it didn't take me as long to make the flowers as it did to blog about them!
I made two types of flowers for the rehearsal dinner. The solid yellow ones were super easy. I used two different yellow papers. One was plain and one had a texture in sort of a linen look with a slight shimmer. I thought this subtle difference would add a little depth.
start with a six inch square
draw a swirl and cut on the line

Photo 1 I am holding the rolled up flower fairly tightly
Photo 2 I have let go
Photo 3 I have bent the wire stem, bringing the end up through the punched hole that I punched earlier with a 1/16th paper punch
if you look closely at the first photo on this post you will see the tiny punched hole
I used hot glue here to secure the stem to the flower
Photo 4 shows a pile of flowers BEFORE I added the stems
you may or may not want to add some dots of hot glue here and there between the layers of swirls. I did because I wanted each flower to look a little different.
the glue holds some layers closer together while pulling some further apart. This step MAY be for the more confident crafter! Just try one and see how it looks.
My niece Emma made her own version of these for her wedding in July. She painted sheet music and book pages with water color to create her own paper. I'm guessing that she drew more swirls than I did as she had many 'layers' to her flowers.
What a beautiful version!
Emma's bouquet
real greenery and paper flowers