I am always trying to come up with a great backdrop for taking my product photos.
I love the outdoor shots but sometimes that can be too busy for the jewelry. So one day this summer I see this pin on Pinterest
I bought a square piece of wood so I would have lots of surface for taking my jewelry photos.
I soaked the steel wool in the vinegar just as instructed in the original blog and this is what I got...
brown, wouldn't you say? not black.
So I tried it again for another overnight and it didn't change. I'm not sure if it was the fact that the wood was new and too hard or why it didn't change it to a nice grey/black finish.
Not to be defeated, I bought some black stain and rubbed it on.
I thought it would rub off easily with a rag for the look I wanted. No, it didn't. So I grabbed some sandpaper and sanded away. I even added more black stain and rubbed it 'off', and sanded some more.
Eventually, I decided to be satisfied so I rubbed a finish on it.
Here is one of the ways I use it.